Week 45: What should I do when I’m worried or afraid?

Love, joy, peace. Learning how God explains these words in Scripture teaches us why only His Spirit can produce them in our lives. We learned last week that we can have joy in any situation. Well, the same thing is true about peace. Let’s take the next step on our journey through the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and discover what Jesus taught about how to have His peace when we’re worried or afraid.

Be ready to read the following passages:

Let’s start it.

What causes you to be troubled, worried, or afraid? When you feel that way, what helps to calm you down?

Let’s learn it.

Everyone gets frightened or upset from time to time, including followers of Jesus. Check out what happened in Mark 4:35-41 when Jesus’ disciples found themselves in a frightening situation. Let’s see what we can learn from their experience.


The disciples were in a storm at sea, and water was coming into their boat! Can you imagine how frightened they must have been? Situations come up that make us feel anxious or afraid, too. Take a look at what Jesus said about troubles in John 16:33.

Even though the world is full of all kinds of problems, Jesus promised we could find peace in Him. He is never worried or caught off guard. Just think about what Jesus was doing during that storm. He was sleeping through the whole thing! Jesus knew that He had power over the wind and the waves. We, too, can have peace in the middle of our problems – if we trust Jesus. He is more powerful than any difficulty we will ever face.

What does Philippians 4:7 tell us to do when we’re worried or afraid? Taking your fears to God shows that you trust Him to take care of you. God’s peace will guard your heart and mind against worry. It might not seem to make sense, but God makes it possible for you to be calm even before the problem is solved.

The disciples could have remained calm during the storm just knowing that Jesus was in the boat with them. They were controlled by their fear of the storm rather than by faith in the Lord. What did Jesus say in John 14:27 that would have helped at that moment? You see, God’s peace is not the absence of trouble in your life; it’s the absence of worry in your heart. Do you remember the words Jesus spoke to calm the sea? “Peace, be still!” When you take your troubles, worries, and fears to the Lord, He speaks, “Peace, be still,” into your heart.

Let’s discuss it.

How would the following words of Jesus help you the next time you’re worried, troubled, or afraid?

  • Peace, be still!
  • Take heart! I have overcome the world.
  • And the peace of God…will guard your hearts and your minds.
  • My peace I give you…do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Let’s do it.

Nothing overwhelms Jesus. He has absolute power over everything in your life. God might bring a quick solution to a problem. If so, praise and thank Him. But He may allow it to continue – giving you the opportunity to grow your faith and develop the spiritual fruit of peace. If you’re in a “stormy” situation right now, ask God to give you a peaceful heart. Remember, only the Holy Spirit can replace worry with peace. When others notice that you’ve remained calm, tell them about Jesus – the One who commands the wind and the waves!