Week 10: Genesis 32– Jacob wrestles God

Week 10: Genesis 32– Jacob wrestles God

As a family, read Genesis 32 together.  Afterwards, share the following discussion.

What happened?

 After Jacob had sent his family and all his possessions across the stream, he found himself all alone. Out of nowhere, a man came and wrestled with him till daybreak. Neither one could get the best of the other all night. Just before daybreak, the man caused Jacob’s hip to go out of joint and told Jacob to let him go. But, Jacob knew that this was no ordinary man and refused to release him until the man blessed him.The man then told Jacob that from that moment forward, his name wouldn’t be Jacob, but Israel. Why? Because he had made it through a wrestling match with God! So Jacob asked, “What’s your name?” But he already knew that he was face to face with God, which is why Jacob named that spot, Peniel (God’s face). He had seen and touched God and lived to tell the story. The man blessed Jacob and left.  As the sun came up, Jacob walked to meet his family and Esau. But Jacob’s hip was still out of joint, and it caused him to limp.

Why is this important to us, today?

Jacob wrestled with God? That is nothing short of amazing! He was crossing the river to see his brother, Esau, for the first time since stealing his birthright twenty years earlier. But before Jacob could move forward in God’s plan, he had to put the old Jacob behind him. God changed his name from Jacob (which means “deceiver”) to Israel (“one who has power with God”). The limp was a permanent reminder that he was no longer the same man who fled from Esau – he now lived for God’s purpose, not his own.

This story can be hard for us to understand because we have never wrestled with God physically. However, most of us wrestle with God on decisions that we make in our lives. Think about a time God led you to do something, but you said, “No.” Did God continue to wrestle with your heart about it?  When God places something on your heart, He does not let it go easily. When you say, “Yes” and decide to live completely for God’s purpose, your life will be changed and others will take notice.

Spend a few minutes talking about what you just read by answering these questions together:

What do you know about Jacob from earlier in Genesis? What do you know about him after God changed his name to Israel? What are the differences between the old Jacob and the new?

How can we better follow God this week?

Tell your family about something you have been wrestling with God about. This could be anything from giving your tithe to going on a mission trip. In order to receive the blessing that God wants to give us we have to be willing to give up what we want and give in to what He wants for us. How can you better live for God’s purpose this week? Spend a few minutes praying for each other. Ask God to help you surrender to Him the things you’ve discussed.