Week 11: Genesis 37, 39 – Joseph in Prison

Week 11: Genesis 37, 39 – Joseph in Prison

As a family, read Genesis 37 and 39 together.  Afterwards, share the following discussion.

What happened?

Jacob had many sons; but of all his sons, Joseph was his favorite. Joseph’s brothers were very jealous and planned to get back at Joseph.  They even came up with a plan to kill Joseph while out in the field with their sheep. When Joseph arrived at the field, his brothers shoved him into a well. Instead of letting him die in the well, the brothers decided to sell Joseph as a slave to a group of travelers who were headed for Egypt. The brothers returned to their father Jacob and told him that a wild animal had eaten Joseph.

When Joseph got to Egypt, he was sold again to Potiphar, a high-ranking official in Egypt. Potiphar saw that God was with Joseph and gave him a very special job. Joseph was put in charge of everything in Potiphar’s house, and God blessed that household greatly. God was with Joseph the entire time.

One day, Potiphar’s wife asked Joseph to do something that God would not like, and Joseph refused to sin against God. This made Potiphar’s wife very mad, and she had Potiphar throw Joseph into prison. While in prison, God never left Joseph and was very good to him. Joseph was put in charge of everything in the prison, and God made him very successful.

Why is this important to us today?

Joseph went through a lot in his life. Can you imagine your own brothers selling you as a slave, getting a really awesome job, and losing it unfairly only to be thrown into prison? The Bible is very clear that God was with Joseph the entire time.  From the bottom of a well, all the way to Egypt, God was there. From the ruler’s house to the prison cell, God was still there. He was right beside him, and He helped Joseph to be successful at whatever he did. Also, the Bible never mentions that Joseph did anything wrong. He wasn’t perfect, but he made a habit of obeying God and making decisions that would please God.

The Bible promises us that God will never leave us alone either. Even when you go through difficult situations, God is always right there beside you. When you recognize that you’re not alone, it’s easier to make decisions that please and honor God.

Spend a few minutes talking about what you just read by answering these questions together:

What decisions did Joseph make that were pleasing to God? How was God faithful to help Joseph? How has God been faithful to you and your family?

How can we better follow God this week?

This week, pay attention to the different ways God is there and faithful to you. Maybe even talk with your family about some favorite Bible verses that remind us that God is always with us everywhere we go.

What decisions will you make this week? How can you better obey God and honor Him with wise choices? As you pray together, thank God for his goodness, and ask Him to help you be obedient in return.