Week 47: Acts 20-Paul’s Missions

Paul’s Missions

As a family, read Acts 20. Afterwards, share the following discussion.

What happened?

God changed Saul’s name to Paul and sent him from town to town sharing the Gospel with people who had not heard about Jesus. He told them that Jesus came to earth to die for everyone, not just the Jews. He preached that everyone could be saved if they chose to believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son and that He died for their sins. Sometimes another apostle would go with him to help him teach and preach.

In one town, Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison because their message about Jesus was spreading across the region. They were praying and singing in prison when an earthquake shook the ground so much that all the prison doors opened, and all the chains fell off the prisoners. When the guard saw that no one left, he believed their message about Jesus right there and asked to be baptized. Paul and Silas were released the next day.

During his missionary journeys in each town, Paul faced many hardships. He was persecuted, attacked, mocked, and chased away at times. But he kept doing what God asked him to do, no matter what the consequences might be. Paul wrote in Acts 20:24, “I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”

Paul was absolutely committed to fulfilling God’s tasks for him, and he did not care about what it might cost him. Obedience to Christ was his only goal.

Why is this important to us today?

Paul went from hating Christians to being one of the most committed and faithful Christians of all time. He knew God had forgiven him of his sins, and he wanted to make his life count for Jesus. He was not afraid of what might happen to him or whether people would like him or not. He shared Jesus with everyone he saw, every place he went.

Like Paul, our only goal should be faithfulness to what God has asked us to do, trusting Him to protect and provide. We cannot worry about what other people might think or what might happen to us if we obey. Ultimately, following Jesus is the only thing that matters.

Spend a few minutes talking about what you just read by answering these questions:

1. What do you think was Paul’s motivation to tell others about Jesus?

2. How did Paul’s actions show that he didn’t worry about what other people thought about his belief in Jesus?

3. What would help you to not be scared or nervous to tell someone what Christ has done in your life?

How can we better follow God this week?

Paul said his only goal was to run the race that God had given him. This week, God has given you a race to run. He will provide opportunities for you to tell someone else about Him. You will have chances to make decisions that will either honor God or dishonor Him. Pray now and ask God to give you the strength and faith to choose obedience to Him, no matter what might happen because of it. Follow Paul’s example and make pleasing God your number one goal. Choosing to be obedient to God is always the best choice, no matter what!