

Read – Matthew 24

What does it say?
Jesus told His disciples the temple would be destroyed. He gave signs of the end of the age and encouraged them to watch for His Second Coming.

What does it mean?
Jesus prepared His followers to discern deceptive teaching and encouraged them to be accountable for their behavior. By giving prophecy, Jesus prepared them for the future and opened their understanding to their current circumstances. As wickedness increased and antagonism toward the Savior intensified, faithful believers would continue to share the good news of salvation through Christ. In God’s timing, against the backdrop of desolation and distress, Jesus will come again. When life is at its worst, Jesus’ followers should continue to live in anticipation of His return.

How should I respond?
As wickedness and persecution of Christians increase, there is no reason to panic. Jesus told us this would happen and challenged every generation to look for His return. Prophecy encourages us to be faithful to Jesus and to share the good news regardless of our circumstances. If you knew Jesus was coming back today, what changes would you make? You have the opportunity to live for Jesus each day, so when He appears, you can be confident and unashamed before Him (I John 2:23). How will you live today in anticipation of His return?