What does it say?
Jesus told parables of the virgins and talents and foretold the judgment of sheep and goats.
What does it mean?
Jesus gave practical lessons for people who will live through the time just before He establishes His millennial kingdom. He contrasted a true relationship with Him to a false one, noting that fruits and works will reveal which people are authentic believers. Jesus will return as Judge to bless those who receive and serve Him and to separate those who reject Him. Only those who possess a personal relationship with Christ will spend eternity with Him. Those who know Him are responsible to use God’s gifts wisely and to love others unconditionally.
How should I respond?
Your good works do not save you, but knowing Jesus as Savior is evidenced as you serve Him and share His love with others. How you treat people is important because it matters to Jesus, who showed love for all segments of society, even “the least.” Will you ask God to transform your thinking so that you will have spiritual urgency and compassion for the needs of others? There is limited time to show God’s compassion and love to others before Jesus returns. Will you seize the opportunity? How you live today matters for eternity.