

Read – Mark 3

What does it say?
Jesus chose twelve men to preach, heal, and drive out demons. Religious leaders plotted to kill him while Jesus’ own family thought He was out of his mind.

What does it mean?
Jesus had a relationship with His earthly relatives, but in this passage He broadened the term “family” from the mere physical realm to the spiritual. He started by appointing twelve men to work closely with Him, commissioning and empowering them for ministry. His relationship with these disciples surpassed the human understanding of family. He more specifically defined “family” when His well-meaning relatives began to undermine His mission. Jesus did not go with them as they wished, but took the opportunity to teach that His spiritual family includes all those united in pursuing His Father’s will.

How should I respond?
When you are born again into new life in Jesus, you are adopted into His family. Christ should have priority as the primary relationship in your life. This does not mean that you cut ties with your relatives, but it does mean that you are now part of a spiritual family. Anyone who has a relationship with Jesus Christ is your spiritual brother or sister. Believers within a church family have the responsibility to teach, edify, and encourage one another. Has Jesus taken a back seat to another relationship in your life? How are you pursuing God’s will with other brothers and sisters in Christ?