What does it say?
God’s creation reveals who He is, and His commands reward those who follow them. His discernment exposes sin so that one can be blameless and pleasing in His sight.
What does it mean?
This psalm reveals why David followed the Lord. He started with a correct view of God as the One who created everything, while neighboring nations worshiped various elements of creation. David also saw the immediate benefits of following God’s Law. Years of living on the run from Saul taught him that obedience to the Lord brought more satisfaction than wealth or the splendor of a palace. Finally, David enjoyed a close relationship with the Lord. He recognized that he was blind to faults that only God could reveal to him. Regular reflection on God’s Word shone a light into dark places of his heart, making him aware of anything that would displease the Lord.
How should I respond?
We talk a lot about how God reveals Himself in Scripture. Why is this so important? A correct view of God is necessary in order to have a correct view of yourself. For instance, acknowledging God as the all-powerful Creator helps us recognize His authority to expect our complete obedience to His ways. What beliefs about the Lord have you encountered lately? What Scriptures affirm or contradict those beliefs? If you start each day studying God’s Word and glorifying His name in prayer, your thoughts and actions throughout the day are more likely to please Him first and foremost.