What does it say?
David cried to the Lord for deliverance from evil men and praised Him for listening. Future generations would worship the Lord and proclaim His righteousness.
What does it mean?
Psalm 22 is the first of three “Shepherd Psalms” that describe the earthly ministry of Jesus. While praying about his own suffering, David prophetically described the crucifixion, resurrection, and future reign of Christ. The fulfillment of the prophecy in verse 18 by Roman soldiers is of particular interest as it is quoted in all four Gospels (Matt. 27:35; Mark 15:24; Luke 23:34; John 19:23-24). The last five verses have been fulfilled, are being fulfilled, and will yet be fulfilled, as each generation needs to hear that the Good Shepherd gave His life for His sheep (John 10:11).
How should I respond?
As you read this passage, did you consider how you’ve already been part of fulfilling its prophecy? At one point you were part of the “future generations [who were] told about the Lord.” How have you responded to the news that the Good Shepherd gave His life for you? If you’ve chosen to follow Him, then your part in this prophetic passage continues in verse 31, “Proclaim His righteousness to a people yet unborn.” It’s the responsibility of every generation of believers to tell the story of Jesus to the next generation. How will you intentionally proclaim the Lord’s name today?