

Read – Matthew 19

What does it say?
Jesus answered the Pharisees’ test question with God’s plan for marriage. He welcomed the children and talked with the rich young ruler about eternal life.

What does it mean?
The Pharisees’ question about marriage and divorce was embroiled in cultural controversy. Jesus answered with what God said on the subject. At Creation God established the standard for marriage as a permanent relationship between one man and one woman. God’s design requires commitment and faithfulness. Divorce is allowed only for persistent sexual unfaithfulness without repentance. Moses allowed divorce for protection of women from husbands who were controlled by their selfish desires. God’s standard is not to be sacrificed for man’s idea of what God “must have meant.”

How should I respond?
Our natural tendencies and culture lead us to believe that our happiness and rights take priority, but God intends for us to put aside self-interests to show unconditional and sacrificial love. If you are considering marriage, realize God intends this relationship to be exclusive and permanent. If you’re already married, what can you do to develop unity and make your marriage more fulfilling? If you have had multiple marriages, remember that God forgives, and He intends your present marriage to continue for the rest of your life. God’s standards for marriage never change because He knows what’s best for us.