What does it say?
A wise person builds and gains strength, but a fool plots and schemes evil.
What does it mean?
Proverbs once again contrasts the wise and the foolish. A wise man has strength for whatever he undertakes because he doesn’t rely solely on his own knowledge. He seeks to understand more by listening to the counsel of others. The arrogance of a foolish person, however, keeps him from comprehending wisdom when he hears it. When people of knowledge and understanding talk, he has nothing to contribute. He instead falls in with those who talk about making trouble. Because foolish people rely on their own knowledge, they prove to be weak when difficulties come their way.
How should I respond?
Although our culture places value on self-made men, today’s passage supports the idiom that there is strength in numbers. Relying on your own knowledge and power can only get you so far, even with the noblest of intentions. What endeavors are you undertaking at the moment? Has pride kept you from listening to or accepting help from other people? One of the main lessons from Proverbs is to regularly ask God for wisdom to deal with everyday life. As you grow in wisdom, you’ll begin to recognize wisdom when you hear it. Whose advice do you need to seek today? Remember, relying on your own understanding is weakness, not strength.