April 1, 2022


Read – Luke 22

What does it say?
Jesus celebrated Passover with His apostles in the upper room. After praying on the Mount of Olives, Jesus was betrayed by Judas and arrested.

What does it mean?
Jesus’ prayer on the Mount of Olives revealed His complete submission to His Father’s will. Even though Jesus prayed fervently for God to remove this cup from Him, He also prayed that the will of the Father be done. He would experience the most painful and disgraceful of deaths; and, far worse, He would be made sin and endure total separation from God in order to provide salvation for all who believe. When faced with the most agonizing decision, Jesus submitted His will to the will of God. Through prayer, He willingly accepted the Father’s perfect plan and received the strength to carry it out.

How should I respond?
Do you diligently ask God for strength to remain faithful to His will, or do you only call on Him when your plan isn’t working out so well? We also need to spend time alone with the Father, just as Jesus did. It’s helpful to choose a specific place and time of day that you can set aside for that purpose. The submissiveness of Jesus’ prayer in today’s passage serves as a model for those times when difficult circumstances arise, and you need wisdom, courage, and strength to make the right decisions. Ask the Lord to make you sensitive to His will in your life, and then resolve to submit your will to His.