April 12, 2018
What does it say?
A friend gives counsel and praise, as well as rebuke when needed.
What does it mean?
The meaning of true friendship comes across throughout these verses. Friends praise each other’s qualities and accomplishments, but genuine care for another person is proven in difficulty. A bona fide friend doesn’t hesitate to be honest, even when it’s difficult. Although the words may initially sting, they are more profitable than false praise intended to manipulate. When a crisis comes, that same person is generous with his time, helping in any way he can. True friendships are marked by mutual love and honesty. Over time, each helps the other to improve.
How should I respond?
Let’s take a friendship quiz. Jot down the names of people who have given you some kind of praise recently. Next, think of people who’ve taken time to offer you wise counsel. Do any of the names match up? Now include anyone who helped you during a personal or family crisis. Has the list gotten smaller? Finally, write down the name of someone who cared enough to lovingly warn against a questionable decision or a character flaw. Look over your list – do one or two names show up more than once – perhaps three times? Those are true friends! How many times would your name be on their lists? Find a way to let them know that you’re a better person for knowing them.