April 13, 2022


Read – John 6

What does it say?
Jesus fed over 5,000 people, walked on water, and said He is the bread from Heaven.

What does it mean?
After Jesus miraculously turned one boy’s box lunch into an all-you-can eat buffet for over 5,000, people followed Him because their physical hunger had been filled. They failed to understand the miracle as a sign to turn their attention from physical to spiritual nutrition. While Jesus’ shocking statements confused others, Peter had one of his shining moments. He understood that the words Jesus spoke were life itself. Of course, He couldn’t unravel all of the mystery behind Jesus’ teaching, but He seemed to grasp that belief in Jesus, the Bread of Life, is the only thing that offers lasting satisfaction.

How should I respond?
We’re all born with the instinct to cry out for physical food. Just as loving parents provide food for a hungry infant, our heavenly Father has supplied spiritual nourishment for our souls. But like the people in today’s passage, we sometimes appreciate the physical things God provides more than the spiritual – seeing God primarily as a source of material comfort and security. How much time do you give to spiritual feeding versus physical? Which do you look forward to most? Your greatest needs are spiritual and can only be met through Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life.