What does it say?
A king who rules with righteousness and justice encourages stability and security, causing his people to rejoice.
What does it mean?
Two types of kings or leaders are described in these Proverbs. A righteous king who rules justly brings a nation stability and joy. People feel secure when an honest, trustworthy person is in control. On the other hand, a wicked, greedy king who listens to dishonest advisors encourages sinful behavior among his people. They often live in fear and distress from their king and those who follow his example. That nation has little chance of peace and will eventually self-destruct due to poor leadership. But no matter who is in power, justice ultimately comes from God.
How should I respond?
In our world, it is quite common to have both righteous and wicked leaders in positions of authority. Although we elect political and civic leaders, we do not get to choose how they do their jobs. Regardless of what they do while in office, we can look to God as our righteous ruler. He will always have the final say on right and wrong. His rule over the world is just and will prevail in the end. As followers of Christ we are called to respect and obey our leaders, but our peace and security should rest solely in our heavenly King who is in control of all things.