April 18, 2018


Read – Proverbs 30:10-33

What does it say?
Divine revelation is certain, and no one has the authority to add to God’s Word.

What does it mean?
Agur, a sage during the time of Solomon, wisely instructed his students that true wisdom is not learned through human efforts. He humbly admitted his limited understanding and proceeded to direct them to the source of all wisdom, the Holy One. The questions Agur presented could only be answered by divine revelation through Scripture. The Word of God is infallible. Anyone who tries to add to His Word will be proven a liar. God’s Word is settled forever (Psalm 119:89). Ultimately, true wisdom only comes from knowing God through His Holy Word.

How should I respond?
Have you truly realized how awesome it is to have knowledge of Almighty God? You may possess knowledge from many sources, but unless you know God through His Word, you won’t have true wisdom. How tragic it would be to spend a lifetime learning what the world has to offer while neglecting the knowledge of God. What would be gained if you knew everything society deems as important but failed to know the God who created it all? Today, allow the Lord to speak to you through Scripture. What He has revealed is amazing!