April 18, 2022
What does it say?
The Pharisees criticized Jesus for healing a blind man on the Sabbath day.
What does it mean?
The Sabbath healing of a man born blind revealed the spiritual blindness of the Pharisees. Jesus gave the blind beggar new sight and new purpose. No longer was his life a struggle to survive; he became a living exhibit of what God could do. The purpose of the miracle extended beyond helping one person to empowering the man to tell everyone who would listen that Jesus was the Christ come from God. The Pharisees were so hung up on the day of the week Jesus chose to do the miracle that they rejected the man, his testimony, and the Messiah.
How should I respond?
Everyone wants to live a meaningful life. Living for your own importance, like the Pharisees, blinds you to the things that matter to God. On the other hand, obedience to Jesus’ instructions opens the door for blessing and spiritual insight. The moment you decided to follow Jesus, your life had new purpose and direction. Even the most difficult challenges become opportunities to display how God is working in your life. To whom can you tell your story this week? Some will listen, while others will question your belief in Jesus and the Bible. If you set your focus on what matters most, you’ll look back on a life rich with meaning and purpose.