April 21, 2022
What does it say?
Mary anointed Jesus’ feet with an expensive bottle of perfume. He then rode triumphantly into Jerusalem before predicting His death.
What does it mean?
The events of Chapter 12 mark the end of Jesus’ public ministry. Mary’s anointing and His entry into Jerusalem before Passover prepare the way for Jesus’ death on the cross. He introduced the idea that death precedes life by describing Himself as a grain of wheat, which falls to the ground and dies, and then reproduces itself many times over. Without dying, it remains only a single grain and cannot provide nourishment. The Son of God and the Son of Man could not become the Savior without facing death on the cross. Jesus completely surrendered His will to the will of the Father. Jesus Himself would be the Passover lamb.
How should I respond?
We all like to be in control, so it baffles us when Jesus says, “he who loves his life will lose it…he who hates his life…will keep it.” As a believer, you are called to follow His example and submit your mind, will, and emotions to God. By giving control to the Lord, you become the person God created you to be, with the opportunity to reproduce your faith in others. How might you be living for your own agenda? Today, choose to die to yourself and live for God’s purpose.