April 6, 2018
What does it say?
Do not steal from the righteous, gloat over an enemy’s fall, envy evil men, worry about the wicked, or join with rebels. Rescue those being led away, fear the Lord and the king.
What does it mean?
Today’s passage addresses how to relate wisely in human relationships as well as to the Lord. When proper time and attention are given to godly pursuits, there’s little time left to fret about other people or join them in doing wrong. Instead, the wise person allows God and established authorities to deal with the actions of evil and wicked people. Even laughing over the failure of an enemy might cause God to take pity on him. The person who fears the Lord doesn’t try to claim ignorance regarding the hardships of others, but he steps in and does what he can.
How should I respond?
Each of us has only 1440 minutes in a day – no matter who we are. How you spend your time is largely influenced by whom you choose to think about the most throughout the day. Recognizing evil in the world isn’t wrong, but worrying about what others are doing or gloating when they fail is a waste of time. Ask God to show you how to be proactive in your community. Look for ways to help victims of injustice or oppression through local organizations or missions efforts within your church. How will you choose to spend the minutes left in your day?