August 22, 2019
What does it say?
God’s children should no longer live according to the desires of the flesh, but according to the things of the Spirit.
What does it mean?
The Galatians that felt compelled to follow God by trying to keep every part of the law were actually thinking and living according to the flesh – on a lower plane, so to speak. Believers are called to think and live on a higher, a God-centered plane. While living according to the flesh and its natural desires leads toward sinful thoughts and actions, living by the Spirit supernaturally produces the character of Christ within His followers. That fruit is evidenced by a proper attitude toward God and the proper treatment of others. God’s children should think and live according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
How should I respond?
Consider the nine words that describe the fruit of the Spirit in today’s passage: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Which ones come easy to you? Now identify one or more that you find more difficult to live out. Think about how God exhibits those qualities to you personally. Ask Him to help you improve in the areas where you are weak so His character is reproduced in and through you. Which of these words will describe you as you follow the leading of His Holy Spirit today?