August 25, 2018


Read – Ezekiel 2:1-3:15

What does it say?
God called Ezekiel to be a prophet and handed him a scroll containing His Word to consume. He was commissioned to be a spiritual watchman to the rebellious Israelites.

What does it mean?
Ezekiel, whose name means “strengthened by God,” was empowered by the Lord to serve as His prophet. God prepared Ezekiel by filling him with His Spirit and His message. Once digested, God’s Word became a burning passion, causing godly anger over his nation’s rebellion toward the Lord. Ezekiel’s success would not be measured by the people’s response, but by his faithfulness to accurately and faithfully deliver the Lord’s message.

How should I respond?
As a believer, you have been personally called and commissioned by God to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world (Mark 16:15). Like Ezekiel, you need the Lord to strengthen you through His Word for the task. The Holy Spirit will continually fill and empower you as you faithfully study, internalize, and apply Scripture to your daily life. Remember, your mission field begins right where you live, work, and play. What spiritual truth is God currently asking you to digest? With whom do you need to share that truth? Will you offer an obedient heart in serving Him today?|Further reading: Ezekiel 3:16-27