August 26, 2019


Read – Ephesians 3

What does it say?
Paul was given the mission of delivering and explaining the good news of salvation to all people – even the Gentiles – so they might know the extent of God’s power and love.

What does it mean?
Back in the days when Paul’s letter was written to the Ephesians, God revealed that His grace and power were open to all people who put their faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. The same resources that were available through the Holy Spirit to strengthen the hearts of Jewish believers were also given to Gentile believers. Although it is not deserved by anyone, including Paul, God’s grace is given freely. The depth of God’s love for the world is beyond human comprehension. Paul was blessed to share this good news with all people everywhere as God sent him.

How should I respond?
Our concept of love, no matter how well developed, is rather small in contrast to the great and powerful love of God. Would it bother you to know that God loves the person you like the least and even wants to forgive the person who has hurt you the most? We are no more deserving of God’s love and grace than the people who we think are guilty of the worst sins. Are you willing to tell them about God’s love and forgiveness and even invite them to church? Christ has given His followers the inner resources through His Spirit to love as He loves. Look for ways to share the good news of God’s love today.