

Read – Ezekiel 4

What does it say?
Ezekiel was instructed to provide three signs of the coming siege of Jerusalem.

What does it mean?
God told Ezekiel to demonstrate just how terrible the conditions would become during Jerusalem’s siege. The city, represented by a brick, would be completely surrounded by the enemy, and the people would experience extreme famine. Ezekiel symbolically bore the sins of Israel and Judah by lying down, alternating sides to represent the years of punishment for each nation. He illustrated the severe shortage of food by eating and drinking only enough to keep him from starving. While Ezekiel’s tasks may seem strange, God’s purpose was to make His judgment clear. Ezekiel followed God’s instructions exactly, in spite of the ridicule he must have endured.

How should I respond?
God still gives His followers tasks that are meant to serve His purpose – namely, bringing others to Christ. God has specifically placed you in your family, job, church, and community. What opportunity do you have to serve Him there? Have you been slow to respond to His call because of the time or effort involved? Salvation is a free gift, but following Christ will always cost you something. Serving God’s purpose will likely stretch you and pull you out of your comfort zone. Are you willing to obey no matter the cost?