August 3, 2018
What does it say?
The Lord reminded Jeremiah that a time of peace and prosperity would come again to Israel and Judah. God reaffirmed His covenant with David and the promise of a Savior.
What does it mean?
God wanted Jeremiah to understand that His covenant promises would not be broken, despite the siege of Jerusalem. Once again, the Lord shared with Jeremiah the future healing of the land and restoration of His people. Captivity was the temporary consequence of their rejection of Him. Joy, prosperity, and peace would again reign in Jerusalem, as would David’s descendants. God’s message foreshadowed the eternal reign of David’s greatest Seed, the Messiah. In answer to Jeremiah’s prayer for understanding, the Lord revealed His glorious plans for His people.
How should I respond?
God still offers to give understanding. Just as He told Jeremiah, “Call to me,” God desires for us to seek Him when we lack understanding. Even better, He desires to answer us. Where do you turn for answers to your questions about life? It’s impossible to understand all the complexities of this life on your own. But as a follower of Christ, you are intimately connected to the One who knows how it all fits together. Will you call to Him today? His answer might be the reiteration of a promise or a revelation of His character. Regardless, He promises to be found by those who genuinely seek Him (Deut. 4:29; Matt. 7:7-8).