December 14, 2023
What does it say?
Ahaziah became king after his father’s death. He was killed by Jehu after reigning in Jerusalem for one year.
What does it mean?
Today’s passage points out the power of ungodly influences. Ahaziah was aware of the painful death of his father, as prophesied by Elijah. He saw firsthand the results of rebellion against the Lord. Yet when he came to the throne, he chose to follow the wicked counsel of his mother and his father’s idol worshiping advisers. Although he was a young man, Ahaziah was old enough and had enough power to choose humble obedience to the Lord. Following ungodly advice was his undoing, making Ahaziah merely a footnote in Judah’s history.
How should I respond?
Following ungodly advice will always weaken your relationship with God, but wise, godly counsel will strengthen it. A Christian, by definition, is one who follows Christ. As such, we need to be careful from whom we seek guidance. To whose voice have you been listening? Is that person following Jesus or the whims of popular culture? Ask God to show you where to seek counsel regarding your family, job, or decisions on the horizon. Then, always check any advice you receive with Scripture. Any influence that opposes God’s Word will contribute to your undoing instead of God’s blessing.