December 26, 2019


Read – Revelation 19

What does it say?
When Jesus returns to the earth to defeat his enemies, there is a great celebration in Heaven.

What does it mean?
Today’s passage lays out the final outcome for the righteous and for the ungodly. The faithful will be united with Christ followed by a celebration, praising God both for His defeat of the religious system that had corrupted the world and for the marriage of Christ and His bride, the saints. On Palm Sunday Jesus rode humbly into Jerusalem on a donkey, but He will return as the majestic King of the earth. The saints will be adorned in the cleanest and whitest of linens to signify their purity. Their righteousness is not their own – but the righteousness of Christ given to them by God Himself.

How should I respond?
Do you get upset when you find out the ending to a story before finishing a book? Knowing the victorious ending to God’s story in human history gives us the ability to have an unwavering hope and anticipation for what is to come. Yet we cannot wrap our minds around the significance of what it means to be truly clothed in His righteousness. Are you counting on your own good deeds to get into Heaven? Our righteous acts “are like filthy rags” in God’s sight (Isaiah 64:6). It’s only by accepting Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross that you’re covered in His righteousness. Are you dressed for the wedding?