February 20, 2018


Read – Proverbs 1:8-19

What does it say?
Instruction from parents is valuable, but evil influences lead to despair and ruin.

What does it mean?
God desires that parents diligently teach their children and point them to the Lord. Children would be wise to honor their parents’ godly influence and guidance in their lives. As children learn from their parents’ instruction, it brings honor to the children, the parents, and God. Listening to a parent’s counsel also provides a strong foundation of wisdom in every aspect of life. Solomon strongly warned against evil influences that will lead to a destructive lifestyle. Succumbing to the allure of sinful pleasures, dangerous influences, and greedy desires can lead to a pit of despair and ruin.

How should I respond?
God has set a high standard for parents to live out before their children. This requires intentional daily living that focuses on becoming godly examples that children can follow. As a parent, what areas in your life do you need to bring before the Lord, asking for wisdom and guidance? We can’t expect our children to live honorably before the Lord in areas where we have failed to follow Him. Thank God today for His warning in Scripture against evil influences. What temptations have you allowed to overtake your life because you failed to seek God’s direction or truth? Admit these areas of struggle before the Lord. He is ready and willing to come to your rescue and bring you out of a destructive path into a restored life with Him.