

Read – Proverbs 2

What does it say?
Wisdom comes to those who accept and apply God’s commands.

What does it mean?
Solomon told his son that gaining wisdom isn’t merely a mental exercise; it requires action. “If” he sought wisdom, “then” it would lead to understanding and work itself out in his behavior. Those who conduct themselves wisely are upright, blameless, just, and faithful. Wisdom is like a two-sided coin: it must be sought, but it is also a gift of God. The logical conclusion, then, is that wisdom comes by seeking God Himself, which results in living in His favor and presence. Seeking godly wisdom leads a person to others who are doing the same and leads away from those living foolish, immoral lives.

How should I respond?
As children we quickly learned that actions have consequences; if you touch a hot stove, then you get burned. People who loved us provided the knowledge that the stove was hot. Choosing to act with understanding by not touching the stove is wisdom. As we become more mature, God provides us with all kinds of knowledge about the “ifs” and “thens” of the world for both our physical and spiritual well-being. But choosing to act on the knowledge we gain is up to us. How would you describe your search for knowledge about God and His ways? The guidance and protection that result from God’s gift of wisdom come by diligently seeking Him and acting on what you learn.