January 13, 2020


Read – Genesis 14

What does it say?
When Sodom was attacked, Abram left immediately to free Lot and the captives.

What does it mean?
Lot had moved from living “toward” the sinful city of Sodom to living in it as a resident. When Sodom came under attack, he and his neighbors were taken prisoner in battle. Abram gathered his servants and allies and successfully rescued all the captives. The king of Sodom desired to reward Abram, who declined the overture, desiring that only God get credit for his wealth. He wanted nothing to do with anything from that wicked city. Instead of accepting riches, Abram paid homage to Melchizedek, introduced in this chapter as a priest of the Most High God.

How should I respond?
Like Lot, it’s impossible for a believer to live close to “the world” without eventually suffering for it. Who in your family or circle of friends is in some type of captivity due to a sinful habit or lifestyle? Are you willing to come to their aid? Ask God for the wisdom and strength to face the challenge. What about you? What temptations inch you closer and closer to thoughts and actions that displease the Lord? It’s impossible to tip-toe around the edge of sin without eventually falling in. Like Abram, keeping the proper distance will give you the proper perspective.