January 17, 2019
What does it say?
The Lord’s name is more majestic than any on Earth, deserving of praise. Considering the greatness of God’s creation – why has He given mankind glory, honor, and care?
What does it mean?
Even though David only had a glimpse into the vast nature of our universe, he felt insignificant when he looked at the world around him and contemplated the God who created it all with such detail and precision. Still, this awesome God created people, gave them rule over everything He created, and paid attention to their lives. Out of all the living things He made, why would God give such attention to mankind? Unlike birds, fish, and sheep, people were created in God’s own image. Mankind alone is capable of having a relationship with the Lord, giving more than enough reason to recognize His glory and praise His excellent, majestic name.
How should I respond?
The longer you’re around something, the more likely you are to take it for granted. Depending on where you live, you might regularly see beautiful mountain vistas, the wide open plain, or the expanse of the ocean on the horizon. But when was the last time you stopped to contemplate what you were seeing? Plan some time this week to hike a mountain, watch the sun rise or set, or gaze at the stars. When you reach your destination, read Psalm 8 as an act of worship. You’ll likely leave that place with a new sense of wonder and renewed appreciation for your relationship with our awesome God.