July 18, 2020
What does it say?
Hannah pleaded with God to end her infertility and give her a son, promising to give him into God’s service. God granted her request, and Hannah gave birth to Samuel.
What does it mean?
This chapter sets the stage for Samuel’s life and God’s purpose for him from the beginning. Samuel was to lead Israel back to God and into victory over their national enemy, the Philistines. But first, Hannah had to be willing to cooperate with God’s plan. It may appear that she was waiting on God to give her a son, and in simple terms, she was. But God was also waiting on Hannah. He had a purpose for Samuel, and Hannah had to be willing to let go of the very thing she was asking for. When, in desperation, Hannah made her vow, it was clear she was ready. Eli was there to reassure her that God would answer her prayer.
How should I respond?
Life is full of surprises, those moments that are unexpected, not part of our plan, just as Hannah did not plan for infertility. God often uses those times to prepare us for something greater. Take a moment to consider what blessings you are asking from the Lord. What struggles have you brought to Him on your knees, in tears, in desperation? Is it possible that God is waiting for you to have a different perspective? Ask God to turn your desperation into an open heart, ready for His purposes.