What does it say?
God’s revelation of Who He is and what He has done was intended to comfort His people and cause the nations to tremble.
What does it mean?
Israel was surrounded by nations who created and worshiped idols as if manmade objects were really gods. In this chapter God Himself created His own worship song, telling His readers that He alone is the one true God and that He has demonstrated it through His many mighty deeds. He pointed out that idols of metal and stone could not help them learn from their past or warn them of the future, nor could the idols do anything – good or bad. God invited His people to listen to His qualities, so they would not turn in fear to the idols and false gods of their neighbors.
How should I respond?
We live in a world of mass communication. Despite all the conflicting and competing messages we are bombarded with daily, you can choose to tune in to the message God is sending you personally. He seeks to reach you daily through His Word, the Bible. As you listen by reading and as you talk by praying, you have a daily conversation with God. He is jealous for His time with you, just as He was when Israel gave their attention to idols. The same God Who created the world wants to meet with you every day because He loves you. Don’t go on with your day until you finish the conversation.