June 18, 2018


Read – Isaiah 52:1-12

What does it say?
The God of Israel still reigns and will return to Jerusalem, bringing salvation, comfort, and shouts of joy.

What does it mean?
Isaiah’s dual prophecy in this passage foretold the joyous return of God’s people from Babylon and the Messiah’s peaceful reign when He returns to Zion. The immediate prophecy gave Israel comfort that they would be restored to their homeland and to their God. The Lord’s power would leave no doubt that it was the God of Israel who rescued His people. Their deliverance is a picture of the Messiah’s redemption of the world. The Messianic prophecy spoke of a still future day when Christ will rule for eternity.

How should I respond?
Just as God delivered His people from captivity in Babylon, He has provided a way to deliver us from slavery to sin through Jesus Christ. As followers of Christ, we have been given the mission to bring the “good news” of salvation to anyone still held captive by the chains of sin (Matt. 28:19-20). How are you proclaiming salvation to your community? Who do you need to tell about the joy, peace, and comfort you have found in Jesus? Don’t be silent today; “Your God reigns!”