June 2, 2021


Read – Isaiah 30-31

What does it say?
The Lord warned Judah that their alliance with Egypt against Assyria would fail, but He offered grace to those who would look to Him for deliverance.

What does it mean?
God’s obstinate people willfully resisted His specific instruction and asked to hear only pleasant things from the prophet. They refused God’s authority and determined to carry out their own plan. God had to tell them over and over again to trust Him for deliverance instead of Egypt. The Lord offered grace, compassion, and justice. It is the Lord who would defend, deliver, and preserve His people. All man’s resources would pale and fail before the Holy One of Israel. God has all power to deal with His people’s enemies as well as their allies. God is the ultimate victor and is worthy of trust and obedience.

How should I respond?
Waiting for the Lord in the face of impending trouble can make you feel that you’re powerless and weak. We want to take action, find an ally, or get an answer. But waiting before the Lord involves so much more. Talking to God about your disappointments, concerns, and fears rolls the burden onto Him. You can open your Bible and find verses to give you strength to face the future with complete faith in Him. You can get up from prayer and, in His power, fulfill the responsibilities He’s given you. Will you choose to find strength and security by obediently waiting before the Lord today?