

Read – Isaiah 59

What does it say?
Isaiah acknowledged the nation’s sin against the Lord. By His own righteousness, the Lord’s Redeemer will save the repentant and enact His everlasting covenant with Israel.

What does it mean?
Sin had created a great divide between God and His people. The Lord was powerful enough to save them, both physically and spiritually, but He refused to hear their prayers as long as they refused His way. Even though Isaiah confessed Israel’s rebellion against the Lord, there was no way to get away from their sin. Since no one on Earth could intervene on their behalf, God graciously provided salvation through a Redeemer whose righteousness is enough to cover the depth of their sin. This Messiah will come again as a warrior, fulfilling His covenant with believing Israelites and judging her enemies. Such a future should cause God’s people to follow Him only.

How should I respond?
Sin is the eternal separator between God and mankind. No matter what we do, none of us can change our sinful nature or cross the gap that separates us from God. Only Jesus Christ, the Messiah, can bridge that gap by His righteousness. Only He can change your heart and forgive your sin. When did you admit your sinfulness and receive His redemption? As a follower of Christ, confess sin quickly to keep open communication with God (1 John 1:9). Are you prepared today for Jesus’ return?