June 27, 2018
What does it say?
God will give Jerusalem a new name and cause her righteousness to shine. The Savior will return with the Redeemed of the Lord as His reward.
What does it mean?
New names in the Bible represent a fundamental change in character initiated by God. Over the centuries, the name of Israel has been associated with war, desolation, and persecution. The future Jerusalem and her inhabitants will have new names that reflect the favor and righteousness of God, the Father. The names “Hephzibah and Beulah” characterize God’s delight in Israel as a husband with a bride. Jews from around the world will flock there to prepare for and announce the return of the Savior after the Great Tribulation. When He arrives, God’s people will be called “Holy” and “Redeemed.”
How should I respond?
Trends in baby names change every few years. Some parents search for a name with a significant meaning. No matter what you were named, you received a new name when you decided to follow Christ. Just think about the significance of your new name: God calls you “Holy” and “Redeemed.” Salvation transforms you into a completely new person (2 Cor. 5:17). The character and mind of Christ reside within you. How are you actively reflecting your new name and character in everyday life? Determine today to live up to the name given by your heavenly Father.