June 27, 2019
What does it say?
Paul’s heartfelt desire was for the people of Israel to be saved. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!
What does it mean?
Paul grieved over Israel’s unbelief and their attempts to earn salvation through good deeds. They were religious but not righteous. Pride caused a failure to believe, making them willfully ignorant. His concern led to prayer, and prayer led to action. Paul’s plan is simple and logical – they can’t believe what they haven’t heard, so people must be sent to give God’s message. The message: believe and confess Jesus as Lord, who alone can save people from sin and deserves their obedience. Paul could not imagine a sight more beautiful than the person who takes such good news to his people.
How should I respond?
Our society is obsessed with beautiful people. Rarely do we think of someone’s feet as beautiful, but that’s exactly what God says about those who have the right message rather than the right image. To whom is God sending you with the message of Jesus? It may be someone across the street or in another part of the world. You can’t control their response; your job is simply to deliver the message. God’s Word will accomplish His purpose (Isaiah 55:11). While it’s important to pray for unbelievers, there’s a time to get off your knees and onto your feet. Will you be one of God’s “beautiful” people today?