June 6, 2021
What does it say?
God healed King Hezekiah from a terminal illness. Hezekiah praised God but then showed his wealth to Babylonian messengers, which led to Jerusalem’s downfall.
What does it mean?
Imagine the unparalleled joy Hezekiah felt as he realized that God had saved him from a terminal illness. He sang a hymn of praise to the Lord. But in his high state of emotions, he made a crucial mistake. Whether he was being polite, foolish, or prideful is not certain. Regardless, showing everything in his treasure house was a costly mistake. Hezekiah was not thinking about the long-term effects of his impulsive behavior. Years later, all of Hezekiah’s wealth and weapons were confiscated by Babylonian raiders.
How should I respond?
Do you normally rely on God through the trials and tribulations that come your way? Even the most faithful Christian can make costly mistakes. Learn a lesson from Hezekiah. What decision do you need to make soon? Carefully think through all the ramifications. Share your plans with a trustworthy friend before you act; there is wisdom in godly counsel (Proverbs 15:22). Above all, stay sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. When you sense a warning signal – stop. Impulsive decisions happen quickly, but they can have long-lasting and negative results.