June 8, 2020


Read – Joshua 2

What does it say?
Joshua sent spies into Jericho and learned that the inhabitants were afraid because of the God of Israel. Rahab secured the future safety of her family by helping the spies.

What does it mean?
Rahab had heard of the God of Israel, the living God of Heaven and earth, and she had placed her trust in Him. She demonstrated her faith by hiding and protecting the spies, allowing them to escape and communicate with Joshua. In return, the spies promised safety for Rahab and her family if she tied a scarlet cord to the window. Ultimately, Rahab the prostitute became an ancestor of Christ. Her decision to believe God stands today as a great act of faith (Hebrews 11:31), showing that God’s grace and forgiveness are available to all those – whether Jew or Gentile – who have placed their faith in Him.

How should I respond?
Life is a series of choices. Some are insignificant while others can change the course of your life. Not all decisions are easy, but factoring God into the equation always leads to better choices. What difficult decision is looming in front of you? Like Rahab, think about what you know to be true about God. What choice would honor Him and be obedient to His Word? Pray for wisdom, and if needed, seek godly counsel. Faith is the result of acting on truth. Demonstrating your faith will increase its strength and give you courage to take your next God-directed step.