

Read – Proverbs 12:15-27

What does it say?
The Lord delights in those who tell the truth but detests those who lie.

What does it mean?
Over and over again, Proverbs addresses the kind of words God’s people are to use. Today’s passage goes beyond the actual words and addresses the manner, motive, and intent of the speaker. If truth is spoken carelessly, it still harms the listener even if the words weren’t intended to be hurtful. Deceitful words might technically be true but are woven together to intentionally lead someone to a wrong conclusion. The wise person, however, speaks thoughtfully in order to help the person listening. The effects of wise and truthful words have lasting effects that please the Lord.

How should I respond?
Lying is generally unacceptable, even outside of Christian circles. Sometimes, though, we are so bent on speaking the truth that we talk without thinking through the effects of what we’re saying and how it’s being said. It’s difficult for truth to be helpful if we use it like a hammer. Think back through your conversations yesterday. Examine the manner and motive of the words you spoke. Were they truthful, thoughtful, and helpful? Or were they reckless and deceptive? Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your motives and filter your words today. Under His control, every word spoken will be pleasing to the Lord.