March 14, 2018
What does it say?
A wise woman builds up her home and prudently gives thought to her ways. The home of the upright will flourish.
What does it mean?
A conscientious woman can cause her household to thrive. She cares for her home, creating a refuge for those who live there. In contrast, the choices of an unwise woman show neglect for the management of her home and for the quality of relationships within her family. Wisdom results from thinking each decision through – but not in terms of human understanding.
How should I respond?
Many women today are under a lot of pressures. Overwhelmed with balancing work, family, and even commitments at church, they can easily feel defeated and depleted. As a result, they lack the emotional and physical strength to meet the needs of the ones closest to them. God does not want us to live defeated lives but to be a blessing and an encourager to our families. Have you been running your household in your own strength? How is your attitude toward God reflected in your home? Trust God today to do through you what you could never do for your family in your own efforts.