March 24, 2022
What does it say?
Jesus talked about a shrewd steward, a rich man, and Lazarus.
What does it mean?
Jesus used parables to teach the proper perspective of wealth. Both the steward and the rich man used money to secure their own comfort, but it was only temporal. About to lose his job, the shrewd steward used his position and his master’s assets for his own benefit. The rich man was just as shortsighted as the dishonest steward; his earthly wealth ceased to have worth after he died because he never thought about life beyond this world. Jesus emphasized faithfulness in handling wealth – whether one’s personal wealth or the possessions of others. A person’s resources have eternal value only when they are invested in furthering the kingdom of God. Jesus encouraged His disciples to love God wholeheartedly and use wealth according to His will.
How should I respond?
Everything that we have actually belongs to God. As His stewards, each of us will give an account one day of how we handled the resources He entrusted to us. How are you using what He’s given you to invest in His kingdom? Reaching others for Christ by serving at church, giving to missions, distributing Bibles, etc., gives eternal value to your time and money. Is your perspective more temporal or eternal? What are you personally willing to sacrifice so that others may come to know the saving grace of Jesus?