March 30, 2018
What does it say?
The Lord watches and examines the motives of individuals. It isn’t necessary to seek revenge; the Lord will see that justice is accomplished.
What does it mean?
Stealing, gossip, and dishonesty are detestable to the Lord. Those who do such things may seem to get away with their actions for a little while. But anyone who disregards God’s directions can only ignore Him for so long. The Lord sees everything that happens and knows every hidden motive. Wait for the Lord to make an offense right.
How should I respond?
The natural response when someone has wronged us is to get back at that person. However, the Lord makes it very clear in His Word that we are to wait for Him to handle the matter. No sin can be kept secret from the Lord; He sees every wrong done to you as well as your offenses toward others. He is sovereign over every situation and relationship in your life. Will you choose to trust God’s timing for justice? Then, ask the Lord to reveal any areas of your life that might be offending others or distancing you in your relationship with Him. We can be sure that He will judge justly – whether punishing the wicked or rewarding the righteous. What will He see as He searches your heart today?