March 31, 2018


Read – Proverbs 21

What does it say?
God sees the hearts of both the wicked and the wise and righteous. No human wisdom or plan can succeed against the Lord.

What does it mean?
This chapter begins and ends with God’s sovereign control over all, including the most powerful people. Any human effort that opposes God’s plan will ultimately fail. He knows the human heart even better than the individual knows himself; His assessment of a person’s motives is always correct. A clear contrast is drawn between the wicked and the righteous. The wicked – described as arrogant, hypocritical, violent, mean, and deceitful – will be punished because they refuse to do what’s right. The righteous – marked by love, wisdom, generosity, and justice – are blessed here on earth and rewarded eternally.

How should I respond?
The cause of those who oppose Christ is advancing at an alarming pace. Prayer and Scripture are being systematically removed from our culture. The number of Christians being martyred for their faith has doubled in recent years. At times evil may seem to be winning, but its momentary success will ultimately fall to the Lord’s triumph. The ungodly may plot and plan, but God’s purposes will succeed. When God looks at your heart, are you among the righteous or the wicked? You may not be violent or mean, but are you guilty of being arrogant, deceitful, or hypocritical? Ask God to show you the truth about your own heart; then allow Him to use you to accomplish His purpose and plan.