March 9, 2018
What does it say?
Trusting in riches causes a downfall, but the generous prosper and the righteous thrive.
What does it mean?
Today’s passage begins with a paradox: the person who gives generously still has everything he needs. Because generous people freely give of what the Lord puts into their hands to “refresh” others, they are in turn taken care of when unexpected needs arise. The righteous person thrives by trusting the Lord to provide for every need. By contrast, the person who tries to manipulate market prices by withholding grain incurs only anger from others and misses out on the blessings of God. The righteous and wise are also generous in their spiritual influence, “winning” others to the Lord.
How should I respond?
We tend to think that the best way to have what we need is to hold onto everything that comes into our hands. But God’s economy has different priorities. The truths in today’s passage are repeated in 2 Corinthians 9:6 with added meaning: generosity is an act of worship, recognizing the Lord as the supplier of everything you have. When your priorities line up with Scripture, your care for the needs of others increases. This week, focus on pointing others to Christ and trust God to meet your personal needs. Your desire for earthly wealth will diminish as you practice material and spiritual generosity.