

Read – Ecclesiastes 9:13-10:20

What does it say?
Solomon compared the blessings that result from following God’s wisdom with the consequences of living foolishly.

What does it mean?
King Solomon observed that true wisdom is rarely appreciated. In fact, he was astonished that foolish living, which resulted from disobeying God, seemed to be rewarded more frequently. Solomon noted that even persons in positions of authority struggled with recognizing true wisdom. Just like dead flies in perfume, even small amounts of foolishness can spoil the blessings of life. God’s wisdom, on the other hand, gives the insight and ability to avoid the consequences of foolish behavior.

How should I respond?
We have a distinct tendency to follow our own agenda rather than God’s much wiser plan. However, the consequences of following even a small amount of foolishness can be very serious. God’s Word helps us to recognize wisdom from foolishness and provides direction for a successful life. In which areas of your life have you blocked out God’s guidance? Keeping yourself in God’s Word illuminates problem areas and allows the Holy Spirit to convict you where needed. How are you intentionally following God’s plan? Surrender to his plan today, and allow God’s Word to protect you from the consequences of foolish living.