

Read – Isaiah 2

What does it say?
In the last days, the Lord will reign over all nations from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. He will teach His ways and judge the arrogant.

What does it mean?
The Lord Almighty has scheduled a day of restoration for Jerusalem and a day of reckoning for mankind. Jerusalem will be the center of the world for all nations. There will be a desire among people from all over the world to know the truth about God and live according to His ways. Justice will prevail and wars will cease under God’s governing of the world. Human arrogance and pride will dissipate before the majesty and splendor of God’s presence. He will rise over everything and everyone as He occupies the place of preeminence. God alone will be exalted.

How should I respond?
Most of us make life decisions based on our knowledge and experiences. We tend to magnify our accomplishments as a way of gaining power and prestige among our peers. In light of God’s ultimate authority, it’s wise to seek Him in His Word, learning to live according to His ways rather than trusting our own experience. Ask God to give you a compelling desire to come before Him each day with the goal of knowing Him as never before. As a believer you can live in continual awareness of His presence. There will be a day of accountability before the reigning Lord. Live for that day.