May 14, 2018
What does it say?
God will allow consequences for sin and bring judgment resulting in purification. The Lord’s presence will be Judah’s shelter and hiding place.
What does it mean?
The people were setting themselves against God, parading their sin in open rebellion and defiance. The Lord, their judge, called them to accountability for sins against Him and one another. Isaiah prophesied that when destitution comes upon those living in luxury, the people will turn to the Lord. When they repent, the Branch (a Messianic term for Jesus the Savior) will cleanse them and once more live with them. His glory will be their protection and refuge. To those who remained faithful, God offered the hope of present spiritual cleansing and future restoration to Himself.
How should I respond?
Sin does not go unnoticed by God, even when we see no immediate consequences. God may be longsuffering, but there will be a day of accountability for the choices we make. In your daily life, what words or deeds deny or defy the Lord? Is there an attitude of pride or a focus on outward appearance? God holds you accountable for your love and obedience to Him as well as your treatment of others. Our sin can be washed away only by faith in the sacrifice of Jesus. When we confess our sin, Jesus cleanses us and shelters us through life’s difficulties. Do you know the joy of living in His presence?