May 16, 2018


Read – Isaiah 6

What does it say?
Isaiah had a vision of Holy, Majestic God. He confessed his sin, received cleansing, and responded to God’s call to be His messenger.

What does it mean?
The death of the king presented a crisis for Israel and a personal crisis for Isaiah. His focus was on the sins of an unrepentant nation until he saw the vision of God. When Isaiah was given a fresh view of God, he was struck by His compelling holiness and permeating glory. He saw a future for himself and the nation. Isaiah suddenly had an acute awareness of personal sin, but God initiated cleansing. Even though the only observable fruit in Isaiah’s ministry would be that of faithful obedience to God’s call, he was given the hope of a remnant who would receive God’s promised “holy seed.”

How should I respond?
When a crisis comes, it causes us to evaluate and regroup. Today’s passage shows that crises should also cause us to look to God. As we seek Him through the study of Scripture, we gain perspective of who we are compared to who He is. God is completely separate, pure in every way, completely different from what you and I can know and be: transcendent, incomprehensible, and incomparable. Those who truly encounter God are convicted and cleansed of sin, forever changed, and equipped to be faithful through crises. Take time to ask for a fresh view of God’s holiness. When you see God as He is, you will gladly surrender to His call.