What does it say?
On the Day of the Lord, God will restore Israel and destroy her enemies.
What does it mean?
Isaiah 13-23 is a prophecy concerning ten of Israel’s neighboring nations. Isaiah told about events that were future to him. Sometimes the message concerns an immediate event as well as a future day of final judgment when God will deliver His people. He will judge the proud, arrogant, and hostile, while showing compassion for those who honor and trust Him. As history moves forward, kings and nations change, while God works on behalf of His people. The Lord Almighty has sovereign control over all nations. No earthly power can thwart His purpose for His chosen nation, Israel. God is sovereign over the large and small affairs of men and nations.
How should I respond?
Antagonism toward Christianity is growing at a rapid pace, not only in our culture but around the world. Identifying yourself as a follower of Christ draws increasing conflict in everyday life. Who mistreats you because you love Jesus and make the effort to serve Him? Each day you have to make the choice to shift your focus from their hostility to your part in what God is doing in the world. A day is coming when wickedness and wrong will no longer flourish. Will you trust Him to deal with the proud, arrogant enemies of Christianity? His plan, purposes, and promises can withstand every earthly power.